Thursday, November 8, 2007

#23 The end....

Ha Ha I made it!!

I've enjoyed the Learning 2.0 experience, although it has been difficult to time manage with lots of other things going on at work. Learning 2.0 become a lunch time pass time for a while :-)

My favourite part of the learning 2.0 program was learning about technology on the internet that I didn't have the faintest clue existed like RSS feeds, Zoho and Technorati. I feel that the learning 2.0 program has given me more confidence in assisting library customers with internet queries. Its also opened my eyes to just how much the internet can help me with.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

#21 and #22 Podcasts and eAudiobooks

What a great idea eaudiobooks would be for the library staff and customers. No more missing or damaged CD's to worry about or having to checkin talking books with 16 CD's. They would also be great for people who listen to Talking books in the car, as they won't have to worry about changing CD's all the time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 9 #20 You Tube

Gotta love You Tube. Its such an easy site to waste time on.....

I very much enjoyed the Johnny Depp Sexy Back video - Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlake music, it my opinion you can't go wrong!!

When I got married earlier this year I used YouTube to help us to select music that we liked for our dance segments of our reception. I also came across this cool wedding dance which I'll post on my blog now.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Week 8 #18 Zoho Writer and #19 Web 2.0 Tools

Had a bit of a play around with the Zoho Services Website. I had absolutely no idea that this kind of website existed. Kinda cool I suppose, if you were travelling around and didn't have access to Microsoft Office.

Web 2.0 tools.
I had a little look through the Web 2.0 winners and came across one of my favourite things at the moment on the net Google Maps. Very cool little tool which I've used a few times to help people at the library, using the directons function.

Etsy looks like a cute little site that I'd like to take a longer look at - you can buy and sell handmade craft items. I love craft markets so an on-line version sounds like a good idea.